History of PTS and Partnership Working
Established in 2006, Professional Training Solutions (PTS) is an innovative, high quality independent learning provider, with offices in in Farnham, Surrey and London. We have extensive experience of both working as a subcontractor, delivering Early Years, Health & Social Care, Business Admin and other apprenticeships under subcontract from 2009-17; and of being the lead partner subcontracting some non-levy apprenticeship delivery to LDN apprenticeships (South London) and Henley College.
We provide support and guidance to these providers as well as teaching aspects to learners on programme. Ofsted inspectors in 2018 found ‘Leaders have rapidly established Professional Training Solutions Limited as a good-quality independent learning provider, building on their experience of being a subcontractor’.
Supply Chain Strategic Aim and Rationale
Professional Training Solutions are a responsive provider with an accountable approach. We focus on the effectiveness of performance and the positive impact of our service.
As a nation we face a range of challenges and changes – including the climate emergency, trading, an ageing population, poor productivity, regional inequalities, technological change, and changes in the world of work.
We wish to work with a supply chain that supports people to train, retain and upskill, individuals, communities and businesses that otherwise risk being left behind.
Our Policies
Supply Chain Strategy – view here
Supply Chain Standard Operating Procedure – view here
Supply Chain Business Continuity and Risk Management Plan – view here
Supply Chain Whistleblowing Policy – view here
Supply Chain Onboarding – view here
Supply Chain Performance monitoring review – view here
Fee Charges template – view here
Board Risk oversight report template – view here
Supply Chain Self Assessment Report – view here
Supply Chain QIP Template – view here
Monthly Partner Reviews Template – view here
Supply Chain Retention, Payment and Incentive Policy – view here
Our Aims and Rationale
- PTS will in the first instant consider direct delivery or building PTS capacity when looking to grow and meet the needs of local, regional, and national priorities. However, we recognise the added value that effective supply chain partnerships can bring. PTS will not subcontract to fulfil short-term funding objectives.
- PTS will ensure its supply chain has aligned values and business priorities and be subject to government priorities and funding rules. We will be transparent and fair in our approval process, clearly identifying financial health and quality grading judgements.
- PTS will seek to support a better joined-up education and skills ecosystem, nationally and regionally, in line with Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs) to enhance opportunity and better geographical access to high quality learning.
- PTS’s supply chain arrangements will not compete with existing provision unless for strategic or quality enhancement purposes. Employers must be central to our LSIP’s and we expect our supply chain to work with us to create/support local, regional, and national networks that open access to a lifetime guarantee to learning.
- PTS is dedicated to the goal of increasing social inclusion and social mobility by providing high quality services that improve the lives of individuals and communities across England. We design and deliver programmes that equip individuals, communities and businesses with the skills, advice, attitude and support they need to move their lives or business on.
- We will be clear on what value the partnership brings from the outset, the amount of funding retained by PTS and what the charges/fees cover or add to the relationship as well as what role PTS will play in the learner journey.
- Ensure we complete the ESFA sub-contracting declaration and seek if required approval to extend our supply chain.
For any enquiries or more information on our partners please contact us