
Learner of the Month!

Congratulations to Charlotte Poole for being recognised as our Learner of the Month! We’ve interviewed Charlotte’s tutor, Charlotte Lawrence, to understand why she is so deserving of this award. Charlotte completed a Level 2 Healthcare Assistant apprenticeship at Royal Surrey Hospital, and has now be been offered a full-time contract! Congratulations, Charlotte!


Here’s what Tutor Mrs Lawrence had to say about Charlotte’s achievements:

How has the training benefitted Charlotte?

When Charlotte started the apprenticeship course, she was a band 2 Healthcare Assistant at the Royal Surrey Hospital, having gained this qualification she will be able to move up a whole pay grade to band 3 position. As a band 3 Healthcare Assistant Charlotte will be able to increase on her skills base and learn new clinical skills such as venepuncture, canulation and ECG’s, this will benefit the patients in her care and also allow her to make a greater contribution to her team.


Has she overcome a challenge/difficulty within her learning?

As an HCA Charlotte worked all through the pandemic, this meant redeployment from her usual post in Out Patients to the accident and emergency department – a complete change of pace and environment! Although nervous and apprehensive Charlotte met the challenge head on and used the experience to learn new skills and further her knowledge, this paid dividends when Charlotte came to end point assessment and could use her new found knowledge and experience alongside her longstanding outpatient knowledge and experience to gain herself a distinction grade!

How has the training impacted Charlotte within the workplace?

Charlotte has greater confidence in her own ability now, she is also able to use her new skills to help her team and patients. Charlotte also has the ability to lead a team of HCA’s if required and can participate in the induction of new staff.


Has she demonstrated an ability to take feedback and willingness to learn from her mistakes?

Charlotte was always willing to take feedback and to learn from mistakes and I was happy to see her gain confidence and ability as the course progressed. Watching Charlotte under observation and reading her assignments were a great pleasure for me as her Assessor, she was always willing to take on my feedback and demonstrated to me that she was a reflective practitioner, this too would have helped her  to gain such a fantastic end point assessment grade.


  • QualSafe
  • Cyber Essentials
  • Education & Skills Funding Agency
  • Apprenticeships
  • Cache
  • ncfe.
  • Highfield Qualifications
  • Ofsted Good
  • Greater London Authority
  • Nursery World
  • Surrey Chambers
  • OCR