Get the Jump campaign launched
Written on 7th, March 2022
A new campaign – ‘Get the Jump‘ has been launched to help young people aged 14-19 to understand their education and training choices, how they compare and where they can lead.
The campaign will raise awareness and understanding of all the different education and training pathways open to young people at post-16 and post-18. It also aims to address the feelings of being overwhelmed that we know many young people have when they are making decisions about their future, by reassuring them that its ok not to know what you want to do and to realise that taking a small step is all that is needed to start them on their journey.
The campaign will help raise awareness of technical education options – including T levels, traineeships, apprenticeships and higher technical qualifications – and support informed choice, signposting them to new pages on the National Careers Service website that bring all the options together for the first time. Check them out at gov.uk/get-the-jump
The campaign aims to:
Ignite people’s interest in their options by showing them that they don’t need to make a ‘forever-decision’ and that technical education will help them to get ahead.
Inspire people to consider technical education routes by showing other people’s success
Inform people about their options and help them navigate them.
Professional training solutions offer apprenticeships, traineeships and a range of training options that support the ‘Get the Jump’ initiative.