
Calling parents, guardians and carers – help inspire the apprentices of tomorrow.

If you’re a parent, guardian or carer, its useful to have as much information as possible to help guide your child on their future career plan after leaving school, college or even university.

Depending on your own early career steps and influences you may already have a perception of apprenticeships – this guide produced by the Amazing Apprenticeships gives a simple and practical view of helping your child search and apply for apprenticeships.

Apprenticeships are designed by employers so the training reflects the skills, knowledge and behaviours an apprentice will need for a particular occupation.
Apprenticeship training is of a high standard and only training providers who are on the register of apprenticeship training providers, like Professional Training Solutions, can deliver the training.

Working as an apprentice means they earn as they learn. An apprentice works in a real job and spends 20% of their working hours training. So they gain the skills needed for their chosen occupation.

Some apprenticeships include a qualification, including a degree. All of the training is free, so the apprentice has no student debt to worry about.

A school or college leaver can apply for university and an apprenticeship at the same time. They can make their final decision after they’ve had time to consider their options.

Our team here can help advise you and your child on possible pathways and the choices available – if we don’t cover their chosen profession we can recommend and signpost you to someone who can.  Call us on 01252 712945 or complete our contact form.

  • Ofsted Good
  • Apprenticeships
  • AAT
  • Cache
  • OCR
  • Highfield Qualifications
  • ncfe.
  • Matrix
  • Nursery World
  • Training Qualifications UK
  • Disability Confident
  • Cyber Essentials