
Benefits of teaching Assistant Apprenticeships

Our Level 3 Teaching Assistant apprenticeship offer schools the opportunity to hire new staff, upskill their workforce and implement a culture of learning. Below we have listed 5 benefits of taking on a teaching assistant apprentice!

1. Affordable method of recruiting new staff

Apprenticeships provide a cost-effective way to recruit new staff! Employers can cut the cost of the recruitment process by utilising our free apprenticeship recruitment service. Applicants are screened against criteria set by our employer partners, with the final decision being made by you.

2. It enhances the learning environment

Encouraging apprenticeships in schools can stimulate a learning culture among staff when competition and inspiration can fuel them to excel. The staff will have higher morale and loyalty as a result of the training and learning opportunities they have received also. This will decrease staff turnover by a lot.

3. Motivates current employees

In terms of the current employees, they too will benefit from this scheme due to the opportunity to build our their training skills. Apprentices will be keen and enthusiastic to learn providing a fresh outlook for the current staff. Mentors provide apprentices with support for their learning and development needs. Current employees can also choose to undertake their own training if they wish!

4. Create progression routes

After successfully completing a TA apprenticeship, learners may choose to qualify as a higher-level teaching assistant! This route can inspire existing employees to progress and explore their options further. Schools can support staff throughout this journey, creating a mutually beneficial relationship.

5. Build a diverse and enthusiastic workforce

Apprenticeships can help schools to upskill their workforce and provide current TAs with the opportunity to gain skills and a qualification while they work. Apprentices can be young people embarking on their first steps in the world of work, or people who have decided to progress or change their career. This variety can help schools to build a diverse, enthusiastic and committed team of teaching assistnaces to engage with pupils in the classroom.

If you wish to recruit a Level 3 Teaching Assistant apprentice, contact us today!

Telephone: 01252 712945

Email: enquiries@protrain-solutions.co.uk


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  • Education & Skills Funding Agency
  • Apprenticeships
  • Greater London Authority
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