Dace Sudraba is January’s Learner of the Month!
Written on 5th, January 2024
Congratulations to Dace for being recognised as our Learner of the Month! We’ve interviewed Dace and her tutor Kelly Watson at PTS to understand Dace’s challenges and triumphs throughout her learner journey! Congratulations again, Dace!
Here’s what Tutor, Kelly Watson had to say about Dace’s achievements:
- How has the training benefited the learner? Dace has gained so much knowledge, particularly around diabetes which enabled her to recognise a diabetic coma and respond to this appropriately. Dace has received praise for this and this has really helped to develop her confidence.
- Have they overcome a challenge/difficulty within their learning? English is not Dace’s first language and, at times she has struggled to articulate her knowledge within her answers. She has persevered and overcome this and this is testament to her hard work, willingness to learn and commitment to her qualification.
- How has the training impacted them within the workplace? Dace’s manager has confirmed that Dace is receiving more and more compliments about her practice both from her colleagues, the people she supports and their family members. Dace has really developed within her role and has confirmed that she has learned so much which has enabled this.
- Have they demonstrated an ability to take feedback and willingness to learn from their mistakes? Dace has received much constructive feedback throughout her qualification, at times she has found this frustrating as she really wants to achieve, she has always taken a step back, reflected on the feedback and then improved her work as required. Dace is really passionate about her role and the people she supports and this has come across strongly during every session.
Here’s what Dace herself has to say:
Do you feel that the training has benefited you?
Yes, training is helpful a lot, I like to learn new things and at the moment all I have learned I can do in practice as well. I feel more confident when I’m going to work and can do my day to day duties. Make individuals happy.
Have you had to overcome any difficulties whilst doing you’re training?
Sometimes is not easy to understand some things, as English is my third language, but I’m more than happy to learn. Don’t think there os something what I can not do. Also Kelly is very good tutor she is always helpful and explain everything and more.
Are there any skills that you have developed during your training that you believe will help you career-wise in the long term?
The biggest skill I liked to develop is improving my English and I’m doing it now and I can feel is gone better.
Also learning Health and Social care I learned about health and illnesses, I can see the symptoms when someone not feel well, I know what questions to ask to help them. I’m really enjoying learning and it is very important to me. I know it’s only level 2 I’m doing now, but I have plans to get till level 7 and maybe open my own care home.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity.