
Why employ accounting apprentices

Long gone are the times when apprenticeships were only for manual trades yet that perception is still prevalent today. Apprenticeships are perfect for office-based roles and especially so for the accountancy sector.

Businesses across all industries and sectors will always need skilled accountants to balance the books and ensure financial rules are followed. So why should you employ an accountancy apprentice? Its a no brainer, really!

Tailored training

As accountancy training is traditionally provided through both theory and in-house training, this is what makes an apprenticeship so well suited to the sector. As an AAT approved training provider your Apprentices can study for a recognised accountancy qualification with professional membership to AAT as well as gaining invaluable hands on work experience with expert mentors.

Good investment

The apprentice minimum wage from April 2022 is £4.81 an hour.  We recommend a small increase to help attract the best candidates is a good way to invest in young talent (currently the minimum wage for anyone aged 18+ is £6.83).   Our free recruitment service can help you to find suitable candidates and work with you right through to when you offer a contract of employment.

There are also lots of ways employers can gain funding, grants and incentives to help with training costs. While larger accountancy firms can use their apprenticeship levy to fund training, smaller businesses can use levy gifting to pay for training. This is money ‘gifted’ by larger business for SMEs to access. Our sales team can explain the options to you and work out the best route for your business.

Team boost

Bringing a new member of the team will bring a fresh approach and creativity to your business. You can be sure that your apprentice will want to learn and understand all about the accounting world and will bring new ideas and innovative ways of doing things that could revitalise your team and your business.

Accountants of the future

A report published in summer 2021 by the Professional & Business Services Council and the Financial Services Skills Commission found that 32 percent of UK firms are experiencing shortages in financial, professional, and business services skills.

Taking on an apprentice means you’ll be investing in the accountants of tomorrow. You’ll be giving them unrivalled, hands-on experience with the potential to offer a permanent role, which will ultimately benefit your company in the longer term.

It also means that your apprentice can grow with the company and as their career progresses, any skills gaps can also be filled from within.

Apprenticeships are one of the best ways to bring in new talent and upskill existing staff but it can be minefield trying to navigate the different options – do not worry our team are here to help you every step of the way.  If you’d like to find out more about accounting apprenticeship funding  please call our team of friendly experts on 01252 712945 or visit here.

  • Matrix
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  • Education & Skills Funding Agency
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  • ncfe.
  • Cyber Essentials
  • AAT
  • Apprenticeships
  • Training Qualifications UK