
Practising what we preach: the Kickstart scheme!

Throughout August, we will be sharing our experiences on the Kickstart scheme and the benefits it has had to our business. Here at PTS, we have been fortunate enough to bring on three Kickstarters, Iara Cavara, Zoe Perry and Sarah Pledger. 

This month, we aim to celebrate the success of the scheme, both from an employer and learner perspective. You will hear first-hand the impacts the scheme has had on the business and young people looking to kickstart their careers!  

What is the Kickstart scheme? 

As part of the government’s Plan for Jobs, the £2 billion Kickstart Scheme has created hundreds of thousands of new, fully subsidised jobs for young people across the country. 

The 6-month work placement is open to those aged 16-24, claiming Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment. The scheme aims to help young people develop the skills and experiences they need to become employable. 

Funding is available for 100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week, plus associated employer National Insurance contributions and employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions. There is also £1,500 per job placement available for setup costs, support and training. 

Follow our social platforms to hear all about the scheme and its benefits:




  • Nursery World
  • Apprenticeships
  • Greater London Authority
  • Matrix
  • QualSafe
  • Cyber Essentials
  • OCR
  • Surrey Chambers
  • Education & Skills Funding Agency
  • Ofsted Good
  • Cache
  • AAT