10 reasons to consider an Accountancy Apprenticeship
Written on 8th, September 2022
If you’ve decided a career in finance, or as an accountant, is for you then an Accounting Apprenticeship is most logical route to follow. An apprenticeship gives you the opportunity to earn while you learn, with practical on the job experience to see how finance departments in businesses work, as well as progressing your education with professional qualifications provided by AAT training providers.
We believe an Accounting Apprenticeship is a great choice for school/college leavers as well as people looking to enhance their skills or even retrain, here’s 10 reasons why!
1.Develop a Range of Skills
From skills to do with accounting, some soft skills and general office etiquette. Doing an Accountancy Apprenticeship allows you to develop a range of skills to prepare you for the whole world of work.
2.Earning while learning
Like any apprenticeship, you learn a lot while earning. Relevant job skills as well as workplace etiquette and general expectations are all learnt, overall making you more work ready.
3.Avoid Uni Debt
The average amount for Uni debt is £44,000! That’s a crazy number. Put it this way, doing an Accountancy Apprenticeship puts debt straight out of the picture and your earnings can be spent on other things!
4.Exemptions for UK chartered accounting bodies
Generous exemptions are given to successful apprentices. These are for all certified accounting bodies. A unique privilege.
5.Head start against Graduates
You have a 3 to 4-year head start over University Graduates. Graduates may not have a lot of experience in the workplace, and they most definitely won’t have as much experience as you. Despite their degree, they might be starting from the bottom of the work ladder, you might have already climbed halfway up.
6.Achieve a well-respected qualification
When you achieve your qualification, it can go straight on to your CV and be recognised easily by potential employers. An AAT for example, is a well-recognised qualification that is well respected and can give you the competitive edge when applying for new jobs.
7.MAAT status
With an AAT, when you have relevant work experience you can apply for an MAAT, which you can use after your name. This adds to your personal brand and increases employability!
8.Earning potential is huge!
Completing a Higher Accountancy Apprenticeship means that your potential earnings are £117,000 more over your lifetime than someone who hasn’t got the qualification. No Uni debt and more earnings, can’t argue with that.
9.Accountancy practices
You can set up your own Accounting Practise. If you have an AAT License, that will set you going for future accounting success!
10.Can fast track to study at Uni
Completion of different accounting courses can be transferred into credits which can fast track you in University if you want to go later in your life.
To find out more talk to our team – call 01252 712945 or complete the contact form today.